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Why Your Employees Hate You and Other Lessons From an Exit Survey

clock November 14, 2013 11:04 by author Administrator

If you’re not having employees complete a 360 exit survey when they leave your company, you’re missing out on a wealth of information.

You may never get access to such honest feedback about you and your company. An employee that feels they no longer have to impress you is far more likely to give you completely unfiltered answers to questions about their time with you.

Here are some valuable lessons you may learn:

Are You a Good Boss?

It’s typically not hard to get employees to talk about the way they were treated and managed.

This can give you insights into why you may be having a morale issue. Or, it might even tell you that you’re having one you aren’t even aware of.

What Went Wrong?

Why are they leaving you? Are they leaving you for another company? If so, what makes the other company a better fit for them?

Maybe they just found a better opportunity with another company, or maybe there is a serious culture problem with your company that you need to fix.

What Went Right?

What do they think the best parts of your company are? This can be beneficial in helping you find and retain better employees.

Who You Should Promote

If someone takes the time to sing one of their coworkers’ praises, listen to them. Employees that make this type of impression are often the keepers and people you should consider for promotions.

If you have any questions about what exit survey software can do for your company, please contact us any time. 

Only 19% of Organizations Have an Employee Engagement Program

clock November 4, 2013 11:04 by author Administrator

This is a problem: A recent report says that a mere 19% of organizations use an employee engagement program, such as an employee engagement survey.

The report, Employee Engagement in Organisations: State of the Notion, was release by a professional service firm called VaLUENTiS.

Some of their other findings include:

  • Around two in five (43%) organizations do not currently provide structured learning on employee engagement
  • Only (47%) conduct surveys on an annual or more than annual basis (i.e. quarterly or six-monthly)
  • One in two organizations (49%) links their employee survey data with other data
  •  44% links their employee survey data to other organization performance data

“Our survey findings suggest that ‘employee engagement’ in many cases lacks this robustness, potentially undermining the good efforts in measurement, enhancement and education that some organisations undertake,” said VaLUENTiS in a press release.

Failing to measure your employees’ engagement is giving away a massive opportunity. You can quickly and affordably fix this with online tools like an employee engagement survey. This is the best way to find out what really motivates your employees and connects them to the work they do.

If you have any questions about what an employee engagement survey can do for your organization, please don’t hesitate to contact us any time. 

Do Employee Satisfaction Surveys Actually Help Employee Satisfaction?

clock October 31, 2013 13:18 by author Administrator

One of the most popular tools offered in our 360 survey tools is the employee satisfaction survey.

Many people swear by their effectiveness, but some companies remain on the fence. They wonder about the return on investment, or if an employee satisfaction survey can actually help their company’s overall employee satisfaction.

The experts agree that employee satisfaction surveys CAN actually have an impact.

“Without that understanding, it is difficult for companies to define strategies around talent and employee satisfaction.”“As a tool to obtain that insight, the survey is still relevant today in understanding what work-related issues are important to people and what their experiences are within organisations, said Deloitte’s human capital associate director Hein Nienaber, in an article at BDLive.

Deloitte’s Best Company to Work For survey gives employers first-hand insight in to what their employees think about their company.

“Many companies place great value on the feedback they receive from these surveys because they see it as a way of benchmarking themselves as to the nature of their relationships with their employees — and where they can focus on improving those relationships in future,” Nienaber added.

The key is to put the appropriate amount of thought and time into an employee satisfaction survey. Ask specific and relevant questions, instead of asking vague blanket-questions that your employees will skim over.

Your employees are smart. They can tell if you’re actually interested in their feedback, or you’re just trying to give the impression you care.

If you have any questions about employee satisfaction surveys, please don’t hesitate to contact a Grapevine 360 Survey expert any time.

4 Ways the Results of an Employee Survey Are Wasted

clock October 25, 2013 10:12 by author Administrator

If a tree falls in empty woods, does it make a sound? If you perform an employee survey and never address the feedback, did you do anything at all?

Yes, you wasted a lot of people’s time. An employee survey gives your employees a voice and lets them feel valued.

Conversely, an employee survey with no follow up action or acknowledgment makes employees feel like they’re being humored—like you’re just going through the motions of trying to care.

So don’t waste this opportunity. Avoid doing any of these things:

1. Make Surveys Too Long

Keep your employee survey reasonably short, but thorough. Bogging employees down in a longwinded survey is a great way to lose them in a hurry.

2. Ignore Negative Feedback

If your employees say they would like something fixed, it’s worth your time to look into it. If it’s not something you can change, at least address the concern so you’re employees feel like they’ve been heard. 

3. Keep Changes Quiet

Again, if you make changes based on employee feedback it’s important that everyone knows. Trumpet it from the rooftops. “We heard you and this is what we’ve done.”

4.Tie up to many resources

Consider an online tool for your next employee survey. This makes sure your HR department and managers aren’t bogged down for weeks, collecting and analyzing the results of your survey.

If you’re wondering what a 360 employee survey can do for your company, please don’t hesitate to contact us any time. 

How Does Employer Flexibility Impact Employee Engagement?

clock October 24, 2013 20:42 by author Administrator

Do you consider your company flexible in meeting the needs of your employees? If you were, would an employee engagement survey reveal glowing reviews because of it? 

There are obviously lots of factors that contribute to an employee feeling engaged. A recent study, WorldatWork's Survey on Workplace Flexibility 2013, explored the impact that flexibility has on employee engagement.

Their data shows that most companies stated that workplace flexibility has had a positive or extremely positive impact on engagement (85 per cent), motivation (84 per cent) and satisfaction (92 per cent).

Their research also shows that most would say there is a positive or extremely positive effect of flexibility programs on:

  • Employee engagement (64 per cent)
  • Employee motivation (65 per cent)
  • Employee satisfaction (73 per cent)

“Overall, the survey shows that employers are continuing to utilize workplace flexibility programs,” said Rose Stanley of WorldatWork.

“It appears to work best in those organizations where the concept of flexibility is part of the organization's culture and where employees feel free to request flexibility as needed.”

This makes a lot of sense, as being flexible in offering options such as a work-from-home-program can tell your employees that you trust their work and you’re willing to accommodate them. 

Want to know how engaged your employees are? Contact us to find out what an employee engagement survey can do for your company.