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What Leads to Better Employee Engagement: Salary or Rewards?

clock October 23, 2013 11:09 by author Administrator

Does your company offer rewards? If you do, will they lead to glowing reviews on employee engagement surveys? More so than pay raises? 

It’s an interesting question. What’s the best way to help employees feel engaged? Money or perks?

In August 2013, over 1000 employed Americans (ranging in age from Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y) were surveyed on their perceptions of job rewards and recognition, performance reviews, and career satisfaction.

The results may surprise you: 

  • One in two (47%) of respondents rank job rewards first, above job recognition (42%) and job motivation (11%)
  • Sixty-four per cent of respondents would like to see their company offer non-monetary rewards, especially Generation Y (70%)
  • Sixty per cent of companies are currently offering non-monetary rewards to their employees

Free personal days off, free food/meals and event tickets (shows, sporting events, concerts etc.) are the most popular non-monetary rewards.

"A robust rewards program is an important engagement tool for employers," said Dave MacKay, president of Ceridian HCM.

"If employees feel that their pay is fair, then additional rewards such as time off in lieu, providing state-of-the art technology or free meals can help solidify an organization's reputation as a great place to work.”

This may, or may not, be the answer to engaging your employees. The best way to discover what motivates/ connects your employees is an employee engagement survey. This helps you see how engaged your employees feel right now, which can help you learn how you can improve.

If you have any questions on what an employee engagement survey can do for your organization, please don’t hesitate to contact us any time.

Employee Engagement: How Important is Being Treated Well?

clock October 22, 2013 16:29 by author Administrator

Doing an employee engagement survey will reveal some interesting results. You can find out how engaged and committed your employees feel to their job and the work they do.

For example, how important is being treated well to your employees?

It seems it’s very important in the automotive sector. A recent survey by a the Best Companies Group, measured employee engagement and satisfaction by surveying more than 53,000 automotive employees to find out what they thought about their employers.

The top 5 drivers of employee engagement that they found in the auto dealership industry are:

1. Leaders of the organization caring about their employees' well being

2. Being able to trust what the organization says

3. Having confidence in the leadership of the organization

4. Being paid fairly for the work performed

5. Feeling valued in the organization

Notice how pay was only ranked #4? It seems salary is only one of many things that helps your employees feel engaged—and not the most important.

“Many believe that adding benefits and hoping for the best will do the trick. It likely will not, and it will be expensive,” said Peter B. Burke of The Best Companies Group.

He added, “Many say they are committed to improving the employee experience, but don't really believe in what they are doing. Those attempts also will fail. You have to believe.”

Use a targeted employee engagement survey to find out what drives your employees. Find out what keeps them coming into work and what makes them scan the job ads for another gig.

If you have any questions on how to make an employee engagement survey a part of your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us any time.

How an Exit Survey Can Lower Your Employee Turnover

clock October 9, 2013 20:45 by author Administrator

Is your company struggling with high turnover? Do you recruit strong employees, but have trouble keeping them? A simple exit survey can show you how to fix these problems.

High turnover creates a toxic environment. Your employees may not take their work seriously, because they’ve seen so many other coworkers come and go. It can also give them the impression that “the ship is sinking,” which poisons morale.

It’s time to create a better workplace for the employees you want to keep, by learning from the ones that left.

Implement a mandatory exit survey protocol. This is the best way to find out exactly why someone is leaving.

Exit surveys give employees a chance to:

  • Vent: They can air grievances and shed some much needed light on why they were unhappy.
  • Tell you how you could have kept them: Maybe some simple steps could have kept them on staff. Often, you won’t know someone feels undervalued or misused until they have given you their notice.
  • Tell you how to improve: Their feedback can show you exactly where any problems with your company culture exist. Use this info to make changes, before you start seeing more exit surveys citing the same problems.

It’s easier to make changes to keep your current employees, than it is to hire and train new ones.  So if you have the chance to find out why people are leaving, take it. Learn from it. And make a change.

If you have any questions about what exit survey software can do for your company, please contact us any time. 

How an Exit Survey Gets You Better Feedback Than an Exit Interview

clock October 8, 2013 14:14 by author Administrator

When someone is leaving your company, you always want honest feedback about their experience—an unfiltered account of the good and the bad. 

However, the traditional exit interview is flawed. Your former employees might hesitate to give you honest feedback because:

  • They feel “put on the spot”
  • They’re worried negative feedback can cost them a reference
  • They’re no longer interest in the job or the company’s future

However, the exit survey can solve those issues.

First of all, it takes the “audience factor” out of the equation. Your former employees can fill out and submit the exit survey electronically, privately and at their own pace. 

This takes the pressure off as they will no longer have someone sitting across from them, taking notes and nodding. This also alleviates the fear of saying something that comes across the wrong way (bitter, spiteful, or unprofessional) because they can take the time to say exactly what they want to say; no off-the-cuff or out of context statements.

The employee that’s no longer invested in the company will also respond better to the exit survey. It’s less intrusive on their time in the final days, and it can still give you a clear picture of how this employee feels they’ve been treated, trained and managed.

If you have any questions about what exit survey software can do for your company, please contact us any time. 

Exit Interview Survey Software - An Effective Tool to Boost Organizational Performance

clock May 31, 2013 04:39 by author Administrator
Employees often leave an organization for diverse reasons, but if this is happening frequently, then this is a major cause of concern. Excessive employee turnover could be a serious indicator of employee’s dissatisfaction, unhealthy organizational culture and could cost you more than you could ever imagine. There could be various reasons for an employee to leave a company, some of which may include ineffective managers, improper or not sufficient training, and too low compensation. With exit interview survey software you can develop your organization in the right direction. The need for documentation is minimized with automation. With this software, you can develop a strong bond with your employees in a healthy manner. The informative data received through the exit interviews can be used by the employer to train and develop their present and future staff. The employee competencies can be significantly enhanced with employee exit survey software. With this survey software, employers can effectively, efficiently and systematically organize the competencies of their work force and organization. This will give them a roadmap to make the necessary changes in the organizational culture and various other aspects related to employees. If the root cause of the exit lies in the management, then the necessary changes can be executed in the organization’s policies. This will prevent any more employees from leaving the company. The chances of bias on part of the interviewer are minimized and so is the misinterpretation of data. There is saving of time and resources, which can be more judiciously utilized. The data gathered in this way can be stored centrally and can easily be accessed by authorized personnel to make necessary changes and improve the work standards. So, if you want to boost your organizational performance, then investing in exit interview survey software will give you high returns.