An ethnically diverse team is great, but they present challenges for the people who manage them. A recent article explored how employee engagement survey can help these managers keep their team motivated.

Carol Patton of suggests using an employee engagement survey and asking questions like, “Do you feel you're able to be your best in this team?” Or “Are your ideas taken seriously?”

“Armed with employee feedback, HR can then begin coaching team leaders. Ask questions such as: What would it feel like if your team was more innovative? If that happened more often, how would that benefit you?”

In the same article, Tricia Dupilka, director of talent solutions at BPI Group lists 360 evaluations and employee engagement surveys as valuable tools, while warning against using them too early.

"People have long memories… If you do a 360 too soon, in the back of their mind they may be thinking about well, in the last six months it's gotten a little better, but they're not thinking about the difference in the last month," said Dupilka.

"We recommend that a full 360 be done 12 to 18 months down the road."

If you have any questions about what employee engagement surveys or 360 degree evaluations can do for your company, please contact us any time.